I am still learning. Michelangelo

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Front row view! 

     Looking out my office window, I have a front row view of a pair of Scissortail Flycathers and their nest with two babies.  No feathers on the babies, just fuzz.  It would be nice to add a photo of the family but my 250mm lenses just isn't long enough.  We have a bumper crop of grasshoppers so the parents are not having to fly great distance for food.  The grasshoppers have been dining on our basil and parsley. 
     When I am not watching the little family, I am, once again, organizing my craft space.  Finally found someone that needed a large computer desk.  After it is gone, I will have a wall to add more Container Store shelves and a desk surface for the sewing machine and TV.  I have been scrapping for 9 years and still "finding my style."   My thought process now, tells me to dispense with card making.  It takes me too much time to make card and I send mostly e-cards from Birthday Alarm. You must constantly elvaluate and dispurse or the supplies will comsum your space. 
     I must take photos of some of the Webb Family pages I have made.  So far, I haven't found good light.  Best soloution would be to scan the pages but scanner bed will only do 8.5 x 11 which makes for lot of time to do 12 x12.  Lots of scanning and photomerging.
    It would be better to be more consistant in my blog posting........

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