So much has changed since last post. Chris is home, all that is needed.
I have been working on a PP (Paper Phenomenon designed) miniature trunk for Kate Webb. She arrives in October.

One last story for today. Bone Folders. Bone folders are necessary tool when paper crafting, especially if building something like the trunk. You certainly use it to burnish pressure sensitive tape, smooth out liquid glue under your paper and score paper and pressing paper in joints and using to make your project look as good as it can. For years, I only had on folder, but have added new ones as I see them used by teachers on You Tube. I lost the small snub one recently, thinking it had been knocked off table into trash. I did spend a lot of time looking in my studio: floor and in drawers that might be open when I was working. It occurred to me that Bernie might have eaten it, I was afraid in might hurt her. After a while she neither got sick nor I found no evidence of her passing parts of it. I ordered an new one from and closed my searching. Then, yesterday, July 23 I opened door to closet I use infrequently and there was the bone-folder and a bone. I'd been looking for the bone also, one that Bernie chews on. She has two so it is not uncommon for one to be under something. I examined the bone-folder and found evidence of Bernie, a few teeth marks but not many, she lost interest quickly. Here are most of my bone-folders. The first one is real bone, it has a good weight and balance and I loved it. But, it also lefts marks on the paper. The new Dacron ones leave no make and much easier to clean, so new technology moves us on. So funny to write a post on bone-folders, but I love mind. J
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