I do not have photo of 1st album. Made it as Junk Journal while waiting for Super Hero kit to come.The 4th one is Travel Journal for Victoria M. our maids daughter who is in North Texas University on full scholarship. The scholarship includes a quarter studies in Europe, it is ready for her when she decides where to go, I will finish and publish photos.
I am still learning. Michelangelo
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis
Saturday, October 22, 2016
22 Oct 2016.....didn't "blog" at all in Sept, so busy, made 4 Mr Grant albums: 1st one for Max called Super Hero and 2nd for Kate. The Mr Grant format, designed by Kathy King, holds over 50 photos, either landscape or vertical. Such a easy, simple format, very little embellishment, made pretty by selection of paper. Will add photos. Now, starting 2 more Mr Grants to use as masculine Senior year albums for Hunter and Alfredo.
Out of order, but so cute. The albums have matching boxes for supplies. These were made to be given when Max turns 5 or 6 and the same for Kate. They are Art Journals. Steve is only Webb that has shown any talent in art. I made them so early....who knows where I will be when they turn 5 years old. Let me see if I can find photo of them
Friday, August 26, 2016
August 26, 2016
Today, the Mother Goose trunk is bubble wrapped, boxed and waiting on help to get it to pack n ship. I hate to see it go! I know Kate Webb will have lots of fun filling it with her special items and memories.
August is growing to a close, it has been unusual month, more rain and lower temps than usual. I am making an album for Kate and ordered paper for one for Max. Will show when I finish. Happy Day
Today, the Mother Goose trunk is bubble wrapped, boxed and waiting on help to get it to pack n ship. I hate to see it go! I know Kate Webb will have lots of fun filling it with her special items and memories.
August is growing to a close, it has been unusual month, more rain and lower temps than usual. I am making an album for Kate and ordered paper for one for Max. Will show when I finish. Happy Day
Sunday, July 24, 2016
The older I get, the larger I need text to be larger. At least I can reduce it after writing post(if I want). I am have both a productive and emotional Sunday morning. Continuing on my "reduction" strategy, to reduce any thing that is not essential. This AM, it a box of my memorabilia and Mother's last two remaining scrapbooks. They are crumbling. I keep wondering if National Archives or Library of Congress would want material she saved, but the things she saved: photos of comedians, entertainers, actors and political figures would probably already be in their archives. She also saved obituaries, wedding announcements, stories of interest to her. They bring back wonderful memories to me, but not to my children. There is not enough room to save everything, so I am saving only family memories. Scott has already mentioned the amount of space these albums will need. So, I am already toying with idea about sending family albums to historical societies where my families lived. Or at least leave directions on how and where to send after they enjoy for a while.
Sunday, 23 July 2016. This has been the HOTTEST all summer, hovering around 99-100 degrees, but feeling 10 degrees hotter because of humidity. If errands are necessary, we go early.
So much has changed since last post. Chris is home, all that is needed.
I have been working on a PP (Paper Phenomenon designed) miniature trunk for Kate Webb. She arrives in October.
The trunk is sitting on two boxes, one for Kate, the other for Max, to hold what ever they and Molly wish, but would work for school papers. The trunk is darling, with two layers and real hinges that work. The album is also done in Mother Goose by Graphic 45 but was designed by Claire Chavil in England. This is Kate's trunk, I am sending some old watches and some costume jewelry and perhaps she can keep some dress-up clothes, again, it is between Kate and her Mother.
So much has changed since last post. Chris is home, all that is needed.
I have been working on a PP (Paper Phenomenon designed) miniature trunk for Kate Webb. She arrives in October.

One last story for today. Bone Folders. Bone folders are necessary tool when paper crafting, especially if building something like the trunk. You certainly use it to burnish pressure sensitive tape, smooth out liquid glue under your paper and score paper and pressing paper in joints and using to make your project look as good as it can. For years, I only had on folder, but have added new ones as I see them used by teachers on You Tube. I lost the small snub one recently, thinking it had been knocked off table into trash. I did spend a lot of time looking in my studio: floor and in drawers that might be open when I was working. It occurred to me that Bernie might have eaten it, I was afraid in might hurt her. After a while she neither got sick nor I found no evidence of her passing parts of it. I ordered an new one from bonefolder.com and closed my searching. Then, yesterday, July 23 I opened door to closet I use infrequently and there was the bone-folder and a bone. I'd been looking for the bone also, one that Bernie chews on. She has two so it is not uncommon for one to be under something. I examined the bone-folder and found evidence of Bernie, a few teeth marks but not many, she lost interest quickly. Here are most of my bone-folders. The first one is real bone, it has a good weight and balance and I loved it. But, it also lefts marks on the paper. The new Dacron ones leave no make and much easier to clean, so new technology moves us on. So funny to write a post on bone-folders, but I love mind. J
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
swish. . . .then it is 6th July. To save lives, the weather channels and national weather forecasters are issuing more heat advisories, several days in a row. The temps haven't even been in the triple digits, but with this humidity, it is terrible.
The Boston Pops and music from the National Capitol proved how old we are; we didn't know many of the entertainers and the music was unrecognizable to us. There were some familiar Patriotic songs and we loved the military trumpeters and all the flags.
Genealogy Road Show was on last night. It was thrilling to see how the researchers could help several families seeking answers to neat questions. My DNA results was interesting, but didn't exactly give me the answers to who I am and where did I come from, or at least, close enough for me. I really, only know that the McCleskeys originated in Ireland, that leaves a lot of families that came from Western Europe, Britain, Scandinavia, Iberian Peninsula, Finland/NW Russia and that tiny part of me that came from the Caucasus and Middle East.
Today was John Jr's 5th chemo therapy, we haven't received update.
Only 10 weeks until days begin cooling down. This is my least favorite weather period. JMW
The Boston Pops and music from the National Capitol proved how old we are; we didn't know many of the entertainers and the music was unrecognizable to us. There were some familiar Patriotic songs and we loved the military trumpeters and all the flags.
Genealogy Road Show was on last night. It was thrilling to see how the researchers could help several families seeking answers to neat questions. My DNA results was interesting, but didn't exactly give me the answers to who I am and where did I come from, or at least, close enough for me. I really, only know that the McCleskeys originated in Ireland, that leaves a lot of families that came from Western Europe, Britain, Scandinavia, Iberian Peninsula, Finland/NW Russia and that tiny part of me that came from the Caucasus and Middle East.
Today was John Jr's 5th chemo therapy, we haven't received update.
Only 10 weeks until days begin cooling down. This is my least favorite weather period. JMW
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Can you Believe? Two post in one day. This one is about having fun in Ancestry.com. For DNA purposes it is suggested you use one family tree. By being slow to start a Family Tree I was able to post both John's and my data as one Family Tree. That makes it easier to find other kit and kin that are researching their ancestors...and your ancestors.
Now, instead of making scrapbook pages, I can post photos and stories to individuals and hopefully their history and stories will be seen by more than a few and will be open to everyone forever. I am so proud of my cousins that were part of World War II and part of The Greatest Generation. That is my project for the next few days: Brothers George and John McCleskey, brothers Lester, C.B., and J.H. Keys (s/o Bertie McCleskey), brothers: Glenn and C.H. 'Buddy' Holt; Brothers: Jasper, Calvin and Carl Jr Graves (sons of Esther Holt). They are now, all gone, but I Honor them with all my heart.
Now, instead of making scrapbook pages, I can post photos and stories to individuals and hopefully their history and stories will be seen by more than a few and will be open to everyone forever. I am so proud of my cousins that were part of World War II and part of The Greatest Generation. That is my project for the next few days: Brothers George and John McCleskey, brothers Lester, C.B., and J.H. Keys (s/o Bertie McCleskey), brothers: Glenn and C.H. 'Buddy' Holt; Brothers: Jasper, Calvin and Carl Jr Graves (sons of Esther Holt). They are now, all gone, but I Honor them with all my heart.
This is Who I AM !!
Is this font too large, I enjoy the larger font, do not think it matters to others. Since last post we have received our DNA results from Ancestry.com.
Is this font too large, I enjoy the larger font, do not think it matters to others. Since last post we have received our DNA results from Ancestry.com.
Asia< 1%
Trace Regions
< 1%
- Trace Regions
Europe West36%
Great Britain21%
Iberian Peninsula8%
Trace Regions
- Europe West36%
- Great Britain21%
- Ireland17%
- Scandinavia13%
- Iberian Peninsula8%
- Trace Regions
West Asia3%
Trace Regions
- Trace Regions
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Adding update, 24 April 2016
How is this for Celebrating John's 90th birthday! This party was 3 weeks early because of Spencer's Spring break. Left to right: Joe and Linda Limb Bunscho, David and Biddie Webb, Spence and Scott Webb, John and Judy with Steve behind. Darcy, Sandy and John Jr.
This delicious Italian Cream Cake was so large, we shared with other tables. Party was held at Lazy Heart in St. Jo. So thankful for family. Announced at party was the wonderful news: Max is expecting a sister: Katherine "Kate" Elder Webb.
Since then, on the 12th John had surgery on right eye to remove a growth in his eye and smooth out the cornea. It went well, healing is going well and his next appointment is Thurs 28th. And yes, the left eye is next.
This formatting is for the birds !! This photo was made in March, in Houston, for Biddie's 60th Celebration. And Yes, Max and his parents were there. He is such a handsome young man. Will try for updated photo.
This photo (one below) was made in Houston. A surprise 60th Birthday Party for Biddie (given by her sister Linda). Much fun by all. Sorry, I didn't get a photo of Max. He was there to add Joy to the Celebration. We have since learned that Max is expecting a little sister in October, Katherine Elden Webb. So happy for all.
How is this for Celebrating John's 90th birthday! This party was 3 weeks early because of Spencer's Spring break. Left to right: Joe and Linda Limb Bunscho, David and Biddie Webb, Spence and Scott Webb, John and Judy with Steve behind. Darcy, Sandy and John Jr.

Since then, on the 12th John had surgery on right eye to remove a growth in his eye and smooth out the cornea. It went well, healing is going well and his next appointment is Thurs 28th. And yes, the left eye is next.

This photo (one below) was made in Houston. A surprise 60th Birthday Party for Biddie (given by her sister Linda). Much fun by all. Sorry, I didn't get a photo of Max. He was there to add Joy to the Celebration. We have since learned that Max is expecting a little sister in October, Katherine Elden Webb. So happy for all.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Sunday, 3 April 2016. No post for entire month of March. Yes, the last collection of research: McCleskey, McLain, White, Dawson, Jarrett, and others are packed ready to be shipped to Cobb Co,, GA after Scott arrives. It is so handy to have someone that can lift a box without having to unload it, take the box into the Ship and Mail and then carry books in and repack box. I do not know which research has been the hardest to ship, the McCleskey ancestors or the Holts. Recently, I have been working in Ancestry.com on King family. All is not lost, I have all in Brother's Keeper and many photos and family memories in paper albums John and I made. He contributes his memories to photos I have and I enter into Ancestry.com. That is why I have not been blogging, Going through my Ancestry entries, adding photos and comments. It is wonderful knowing my research will not be lost. Say nothing about photos that some most descendants have never and would never see if I do not not add and identify. Once again I give credit to two individuals: my Mother who did wonderful job documenting our Holt family and McCleskey family and Mamie Holt Adams who saved many old photographs from her grandmother Francina Cochran Holt.
It saddens me to think I spent all these years, starting in 1986, researching and have not found one line that crosses the Atlantic to Europe. To fill the gap, both John and I have submitted DNA samples to Ancestry.com. We are waiting for results, so exciting.
I forecast my percentages as: 75 percent Irish, maybe some English, we know Stalnaker is western German, so a little German. I have a hunch there may be a little Native American. And there may be some Scandinavian. If you are Irish there is strong possible you have a touch of Scandinavian. Seems like men from the North, while exploring, raped and pilfered Ireland. That would be true of Britain as well. My thoughts, now we will see what science tell us.
Scott and Spencer arrive Tue, Darcy, Thurs. David, Biddie, Joe and Linda on Friday. We are gathering to Celebrate John's 90th birthday (Spencer's spring break is early...so we celebrate early.) This visit coincides with Medal of Honor week, so we are participating in those events as well. More later.......happy week.
It saddens me to think I spent all these years, starting in 1986, researching and have not found one line that crosses the Atlantic to Europe. To fill the gap, both John and I have submitted DNA samples to Ancestry.com. We are waiting for results, so exciting.
I forecast my percentages as: 75 percent Irish, maybe some English, we know Stalnaker is western German, so a little German. I have a hunch there may be a little Native American. And there may be some Scandinavian. If you are Irish there is strong possible you have a touch of Scandinavian. Seems like men from the North, while exploring, raped and pilfered Ireland. That would be true of Britain as well. My thoughts, now we will see what science tell us.
Scott and Spencer arrive Tue, Darcy, Thurs. David, Biddie, Joe and Linda on Friday. We are gathering to Celebrate John's 90th birthday (Spencer's spring break is early...so we celebrate early.) This visit coincides with Medal of Honor week, so we are participating in those events as well. More later.......happy week.
Friday, February 12, 2016
PROGRESS !! 12 Feb 2016. Today, we shipped 2 book boxes full of Webb, King and Brown research to Stone County (AR) Historical Society for the research library. Only research left covers McCleskey, McClain, Rhea, and small amounts of Jarrett, White. As difficult as it was to part with this research, I do have data committed to Brother's Keeper and most of the photographs scanned. Have saved family much time in sending these albums. Looking at these two photos shows, still, lots of decisions to make and more to send "somewhere."
I think this first photo posted of Bernice (Bernie) as she is constant companion while I work in my office. Chris gave us Bernie in Dec. 2014. She loves us dearly and we feel same towards her. Her herding instinct shows around the cat. Thank goodness GiGi is not afraid of her and strolls through the room almost challenging Bernie, put not quite. She mostly wants to please but not enough to "Heel." She wants to be in charge, but she isn't.
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