I am still learning. Michelangelo

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1/28/2015   529 College Fund.  I do not want to be picked up by the government snoopers, trying to use words that are not keywords.  In today's WSJ an article reports that the President has withdrawn any interest in taxing the 529 fund.  It took only 7 days for parents and lawyers to make him realize that was not a good idea.  The clamor "was such a distraction" the President "surrender(ed)."  That is good news to little Max, the other grandchildren's account would have been grandfathered.
     Yesterday, John and I spent time reading letters by a grandson of Jacob King. This grandson (and his sister) lived with Jacob and Harriet after the death of their mother.  Their father, a minister, could not care for them.  This grandson gives great insight into Jacob and will add great depth to Jacob's section.  John and his Mother, Miss Helen, already reported that Aunt Vi (Jacob's youngest child) always talked about "Father" and never about Mother, a real sign of the times. My recent research points out why women have had to march, cajole, picket and be arrested to advance Women's Rights.   None of the advancement came easy. It took World War II for great steps to be made.  Harriet was the wife of a poor Baptist minister.  He was a great man, where he chose to live and his profession dictated their standard of living, Harriet and many like her, had no voice.
    One last comment:  Jacob and Harriet had four sons: a lawyer/judge:an educator (teacher/principal): minister; and physician.  Is not that wonderful! Daughters went to two year Mountain Home Baptist College.  More will be reported in family album.

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