I am still learning. Michelangelo

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Yea's Eve, 2015

New Year's Eve, 2015
   Seven years ago today we moved from Iowa Park, TX to Lindsay and this home.  Time has flown !!  Now, 76 and almost 90 (Apr '16) we are not as active.
   Headlines in news today in Texas:  Tomorrow, Texans will lawfully be able to carry handguns in the open.  You need a license to carry, but the gun does not need to be concealed.  Back to Wild West days.  I know you can already "open carry" in WY but do not know how many other states are "open."  This does not please me, lets see how many hours it is before we have a "shoot out."  Terrible, but at least, we can shoot terrorist.  I do not expect John to carry openly, but who knows.  He thinks he is as viable and young as in his 50s or even 60s (but, he is NOT).
  The Dallas Metropolex is trying to recover from Saturday, Dec 26th tornadoes. The count of tornadoes keeps rising, now at 11.  Eleven dead, mostly from cars that were picked up on I-30 and tossed to ground.  Our heart aches.  Many, many homes totaled and many more mangled and have to have serious repairs.
   Only today do the bowl games begin to catch our attention.  Both National College Playoff bowls are today:  AL and Michigan St; Oklahoma and Clemson.  I believe GA plays tomorrow.  You really understand how little all of this means when you see the destruction in Metroplex.......

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday, Nov 29, 2015...
    The more I organize, the more boxes I accumulate.  It is an emotional roller coaster to go through boxes and files I haven't seen in years.  I know I am making progress but there is so much clutter, progress is hard to see.  With genealogy nothing is completely finished, so many questions go unanswered.  Since the beginning of Nov, I did convert my HOLT research into a book.  I printed out my Brother's Keeper HOLT data, added photographs and printed three copies: one for me, one for Fayette Co Historical Soc, and one for Andrew and Kim Ledingham.  Andrew is grandson of Horace Holt (Thomas, Jefferson, Thomas, Elisha).  They recently sent inquiry and to honor Horace's help to me, I printed them a copy.  All of this work was done in MS Word and Photoshop Elements.  The files were put on a thumb drive and printed at Office Depot.
I do no have enough information to print another on my families but perhaps find enough on John's WEBB lineage.  I am awaiting replies from Baxter Co. Historical Society and Stone Co. Historical Society to see if they want Miss Helen's research.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

8 Nov 2015.  These Holt, Kite and Dodd research books were shipped to The Fayette Co, (GA) Historical Society on 2 Nov '15.  I am so thankful to have a place to permanently place them so that they may be used by these families.
   It is very difficult to part with this research.  Much time, over the last 29 years, has been spent in various archives and research facilities: lots of cranks on microfilm readers and many notes taken from dusty books.  I look back on these memories with great happiness.  
   Letters to Baxter Co Historical Society and Stone Co, Historical Societies in Arkansas have been sent for the Webb, King and Hutcheson material; waiting on answers.
   My happiness is tempered with disappointment over not finding any connection to a country of origin.  My research and Helen Hutcheson Webb's research failed to find ancestors that have a record of where they came from.  Most (really All that we researched) have been here so long that records are non-existent. Family researchers have found no written family records and few Bible records. Court house fires and lack of registering contribute.  Haven't been the DNA route yet.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

This is my first cousins, Kathleen Graves Boyd who died 25 Sept 2015 at age 95 years.  She was the oldest living member of grand children of J. Thomas and Mary Jackson Holt, a wonderfully optimistic and happy person, someone you enjoyed being with. With her death, our generation has five remaining members: me (Judy  M. Webb), Michael Pickett, Douglas McCleskey, Myra Holt Eison, and Susan P. Gregory (five from a beginning of 23).

Kathleen Graves was born in her parents home on New Hope Rd, Fayette Co., Georgia.  She married Jimmie J. Boyd, had one son, Franklin and was a life long resident of Fayette County.  Her death leaves me the senior member of grandchildren, a sobering fact.

Friday, September 25, 2015

These photos are of Honor Flight DFW #26, Sept 18/19, 2015.  Forty World War II and Korean Veterans being Honored for their military service to US.  Each veteran had a "Butler;" that would be David our son from Houston.  The group spent 2 days visiting Memorials and Monuments associate with US military service.  Four from the group laid wreath at Tomb of Unknown Soldier.

Monday, August 10, 2015

10 August '15....the month is fleeting !  I continue to work with my family history note books, making them presentable for their trip to either Fayette Co, Clayton and Henry Co, and Cobb county Georgia.  Hutcheson-Webb side as well.  Received acknowledgement today for the box sent to Baxter Co, Historical Society with Mountain Home College memorabilia.  While I work in the comfort of air conditioning, it was 101 degrees today.  I feel for those who have only fans and shade.
    Yesterday was the first anniversary of a police man in Ferguson, MO killing an unarmed youth.  The death caused over a week of self destruction.  Reading the head lines today, tension has escalated and one person killed.  I wonder how the political candidates will react.  Last week, during the first Republican debate(s) [so many, 16 men, 1 female, candidates, the first debate was divided and there were 2 debates on same day], race relations was barely touch.
    On a happier thought, eight men were inducted into NF Hall of Fame.  Two who had played for Dallas, Tim Brown and Charles Haley gave outstanding acceptance speeches and are wonderful examples for young blacks to follow. They both had fathers in the home when they were growing up, setting a great example and demanded high standards.  Very rewarding.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

   Tues. 4 Aug 2015
    My office has less books on the shelves.  One box was mailed to Baxter Co., (AR) Historical Society with memorabilia of Helen Hutcheson (Webb) and brother and sister, Elmer and Blondie Webb.  All three attended Mountain Home Baptist College in 1922, '23, '24.  We are happy that they had a need of the annuals and several photos of basketball team and literary societies.  Both Helen and Blondie had scrapbooks.  Not many people were identified but everyone will love seeing the campus, clothing and hair styles of that time period.
     For the last few days I have been working through my Cleveland Family of Henry co, GA.  When I got to James H and Frances Jackson Cleveland I had to take several days off.  These are my great-great grandparents.  They were both born in the 1820's, moving with their parents into Georgia, living in wilderness; suffering many hardships.  Then came The War of 1861-1865.  James died, time and cause unknown, during 1860's;  Fanny was left with family of 8.  Several of our children are sci-fi enthusiasts, never giving the past a thought.  For me, it is about recounting the past for they are the ones that laid our foundation.  In the Cleveland folder is much research, both mind and others, lots of documents and even more theories.  I have a love for old dusty books, only wishing they  contained the answers to questions that may never be answered.  You talk to fellow family historians and they exclaim with much happiness that they can take their family back to Joan of Arc or someone else into 1600's or ealier.  So far, on either side of my lines, Holt or McCleskey, can I take an ancestor back to Europe.
   This is type of emotion I can type here but it has no place in "proven" research.  Some one in another generation may find more data and information.  So far, I have four proven Revolutionary Soldiers.  John can prove a grandfather was with George Washington at Valley Forge during winter or 1777-78.  One of John's great-grandfather surrendered with Robert E. Lee at Appomattox.  John has a great grandfather serving with his father in Union Army in Arkansas.  After the war, the younger man, marries a veteran of CSA.  Many wonderful stories to read, do not need science fiction.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

22 July 2015....a record, two consecutive post.  All morning spent with McCleskey family binders.  So fortunate to have the Walter McCleskey, "McCleskey Family of Georgia" hard bound book.  He published his research and that of several older cousins that had knowledge of older generations.  While going through data on my aunts and uncles, I found a map of Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, GA.  Of David Lester and Eunice White McCleskey's nine children, five are buried in Westview: Minnie Foster, Alice Cooper and sister Ollie Cooper, two sisters married to two brothers; my dad Wm "Bill" and the youngest sibling, Lucy Manning.  Aunt Fannie and her family moved to AL before I was born, she is buried in Boaz, AL.  Uncle Pink is buried in Miami where he lived for many years. Aunt Bertie is buried in Newnan city, cem with her first husband and the father of her children.  Uncle George is buried in Riverdale Methodist with Aunt Margaret's family.  Uncle J. C. (John C, "Jake") is in Douglas county.
   Westview is huge cemetery on SW side of Atlanta.  I know my mother bought and paid monthly payments for a long time.  It is well maintained and many Atlanta families have relatives entombed there.  All of these family members have death certificates and hunting grave stones in family cemeteries was not necessary.
   The children of David Lester and Eunice White McCleskey were very close and had a great family relationship.  Our Christmas Gatherings were always looked forward to and enjoyed.  Makes my mouth water with the great food brought by each family and shared.  Aunt Ollie and Aunt Alice were legendary cooks.  My favorite from Aunt Alice, Angel Salad (fruit and sweetened whipped cream),  No one can beat Aunt Ollie's Chicken N Dumplings.
   It is written that after three generations no one returns to visit family cemeteries. I am glad mother saw to their burial for I probably have visited her grave for the last time.  Even though Doug lives only 30 miles away, he has no compulsion to visit.  We rest, knowing the grave sites will always be cared for.
   Grandpa and Grandma David and Eunice are buried in near-by Greenwood Cemetery, near the Cooper parents.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

21 July 2015.... I have begun going through each of my Family History notebooks reducing the material to one good copy and material that is "note worthy."  Then you question, what is "note worthy?"  What is worthy to one person means nothing to the next.   I repurposed an old binder by covering with decorative paper and cutting McCleskey with my Cricut.  This activity is both happy and sad, stirs lots of emotions.  Today, I encountered my McCleskey cousins that fought in World War II, several highly decorated for bravery.  They are all gone, our generation is certainly diminishing. Also, the size of our families have gone from nine children to four or less.
    Will close and return to my sorting.  Who knows if I find something else that sends me back to this journal.

Friday, July 17, 2015

17 July 2015  The KING FAMILY album is completed, a total of 6 months-2 weeks devoted to a wonderful family.  My husband, loved and admired his sweet sweet gentle grandmother, Dorothy Viola Vivian KING Webb above all others from his childhood.
    I found the entire family fascinating starting with Samuel King I who camped and with George Washington at Valley Forge and is documented Revolutionary War soldier.
     His great-grandson, Jacob King, was a soldier in Civil War and surrendered with General Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.  Mostly, the heritage album of the KING FAMILY is about Jacob. His migration saga from North Carolina to Arkansas is a local legion.  He helped settle this remote area of Arkansas as a teacher, minister and legislator while raising a family of four sons and fire daughters.  Each ten years when the census taker arrived he gave his occupation as farmer.
    The proof of his success is in his children, a lawyer, a teacher, a minister and the youngest, a doctor.  We know the youngest two daughters attended Mountain Home Baptist College.
    One grandson, Milam King, son of Baptist minister Thomas King was so moved by his grandparents, he wrote several personal accounts about Jacob and Harriet Fisher King.
     I honor Harriet Fisher King as well.  Being the wife of an ill paid minister and living on a rocky farm dictated a very hard life.  It took my husband a very long time to understand why anyone would farm the land his great-grandfather did. You do not name a county, Stone, if is free of rocks, stones and mountains. After John retired we went to a Fisher Family Reunion in Brevard, NC.  Brevard is also in the mountains and Jacob found the land in Stone Co, AR similar to the land in NC he left behind.
    Jacob, Harriet, their nine children are part of the fabric that made America great.  Above all, they were God fearing Christians that believed you worked hard, contributed to society and loved your family.  It was a pleasure documenting this family.  JMW

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

8 July 2015   Finished KING FAMILY heritage album yesterday; posted several photos of the pages to Facebook in Paper Phenomenon Fan Page.  It was so rewarding to have such nice comments about the book.  Going to put a few pages here as well.  It was truly a labor of love.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

25 June 2015...gads, six months until Christmas, then our 53 wedding anniversary.
     While looking for an e-mail address found some quotes in my note book: "Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use."  Charles Schultz. another good one,  "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop." Confucius     Going slow is beginning to bother me, still lots to do and over three-quarters of a century is showing.
    John is in Washington stare, Federal Way, riding with Scott on his deliveries.  Yesterday they drove through Mount Rainier Park and stopped at a Hops Museum.  Hops and ingredient is some beer(s).  He will have really good stories to tell.
   Making good progress in the KING FAMILY album.  Will post new photos soon.  Good Day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I can't take them with me !!    June 16, 2015.
    The them are all the family history stories I cherish.  My most famous story is about my Aunt Anna Holt (Tidwell) who stopped Union Army's advance from Fairburn, GA to Stockbridge during The War Between the States.  They finally made their pass, but it took time and made a great family story.  John's family history is dotted with several fascinating stories.  And, no one tells the stories better than John, a gifted raconteur.
    As I have worked on the Webb-McCleskey Family Histories, many of these stories are recorded for posterity, hoping that they will be read by generations to come.  More and more, it is all about the hear and now or the future.  I must admit, just this week a new Jurassic movie is breaking all box office records and the History channel produced and presented a multiple hours long history of Texas Independence conflict with Mexico.  No one will ever be sad because our family was forgotten.  NO, NO it is not forgotten and many of our ancestors are covered in detail.  Some of the families of early generations are not covered, just not enough data.  My families were mostly un-eduacted and very poor.  They arrived in America before we were a country and records were not kept.  That is John's fate as well with several wonderful exceptions.
    So, hear's hoping, down the genetic DNA we will have family historians that want to know about their ancestors.  Look, read and enjoy, I tired my very best.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last day of May 2015
    I would love to be a writer and string beautiful informative descriptions together, recording grand and less grand events.  I am not, so we can progress with that thought.  Since May 6th Texas and Texas weather has been anything but normal.  But, normal weather is an oxymoron in Texas.  Our backyard rain gauge from 6 May until 31 May has collected 21.6 inches. In Dallas it is less than that but rainiest May ever.  Flooding all over the state, several lives loss and millions of dollars of damage done to homes, businesses and infrastructure.  Lots of rivers have not crested yet and more damage yet to come.  If any one ever reads this, they can Google Texas Floods, May 2015.
    John and I stayed in, watched rain gauge rise, cooked our meals and gave Thanks that we were in no danger of flooding.  John Jr's Shop flooded for the third time since 2007.  Very discouraging and a huge mess to clean up.
    So, what does the weather forecast for summer look like.  Forecasters have agreed that average temperature will be -5 degrees cooler, a plus.  I haven't seen or heard about rain fall amounts.  We back-up to Mr Fred Sandmann and his farm.  His wheat is ready to harvest but who knows when it will be dry enough, we are hoping he doesn't lose his wheat or if his field of small grain doesn't drown.
    All the time we were house bound I was working on The KING FAMILY Album.  With a few pictures of E.C.Webb added (his mother was a King) it will be finished.  I love this album and the wonderful colorful people and their stories.  It is a take time to read album and not a flip through.  Now thinking of where to place it.  Scott is already expressing concern over how many albums I have and how little space he has.  I certainly understand and starting to really work on returning my research to the historical societies in area where these people lived.  I see several years of work, I am not bored!!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sat, 25 Apr 15.  It is easier to spend words than sort and group patterned paper.  While working on the KING FAMILY history and photo album, the papers are spread over the guest bed.  When family visited last week it was stacked and stored.  Yesterday, I started laying it out on the bed.  I am over come with quantity!! For over a year or two, I have imposed a moratorium  on purchasing more paper.  Mostly, I have adhered to this sanction.  This, I believe, will be my last family album; I do not have enough material both data and photos to do other families.  This leaves me with probably, a twelve inch or higher stack of papers falling towards heritage pages and colors.  What to do!!
  Looming on my office book shelves are about four dozen binders of different width full of family history and photos, my research.  They have to be weeded of duplicate copies, and indexed so these binders can be sent to counties where these families lived (Holt, Jackson, Kite to Fayette Co, GA; King, Webb, Brown to Stone Co, AR, etc, etc, etc).  Leaning to work one-half time on heritage album and one-half time on data management has eluded me.  I started the KING album the last few days of Dec 2014, now approaching the end of four months.  Want to finish this album and put away material.
  Looking forward to 2 May, National Scrapbooking Day; will attend fund raising crop for several classes in Collinsville High School.  This will be new experience for me.  Will see several ladies from Remember When and hope to make new friends.
  Have I mentioned Bernice?  Also, since last few days of 2014, Bernice has been addition to our family.  On our list, she is number 5 but on her list she rates as at least number 3.  I try to walk and work her everyday, weather permitting.  Good for her, good for me.  She is a rather rangy thing with border collie coloring. Today, I have decided she is less Border Collie than other breeds.  Because of her deep chest and very long legs, and long snot, I am convinced she has lots of Greyhound.  She is also bark-less which opens doors to many breeds.  The long and short of knowing her heritage is her behavior.  Border Collies have reputation of being smart and obedient.  They are a herding breed and yes Bernie is a herder....Kipper and GiGi.  Not so good a characteristic for inside dog of old folks.  Life with Bernie to be continued.......

Thursday, April 16, 2015

16 April, noon.  Bernie and I are still training!!  Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisper, says, "calm and assertive."  
     I will try and take some photos of the wildflowers.  No need to try most days, too much wind.  To day would be great day to photograph if wind would lay; light gray sky prevents shadows.   No Blue bonnets in the neighborhood but plenty of pretty wildflowers (I have no clue of names).
     We had very short, 3 days, visit with Spencer and Scott.  High light of trip for them was attending Medal of Honor parade.  Gainesville is host city to Medal of Honor recipients.  All living Medal of Honor recipients are invited each year to attend weekend honoring them, the festivities end with huge parade.  So glad Scott and Spencer here to see.  Not many people get to see so many brave men together.  John and I are very proud that we were in Army and did what was called for service.  John served in Trieste, (now a part of Italy) during 1953-54. It was a wonderful year for him.  He regrets everyday that he was not sent to Korea.  He served several years in Reserves but pressure of growing a business in Houston; he resigned a Lt Col.
    I did a dietetic internship in Brooke General Hospital, San Antonio, TX, then remained on staff afterwards.  A great experience with some really nice people. You know the story, married John and got out.  1st Lt Judy M Webb.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

4 Apr '15, 59 degrees, light wind, noon, BEAUTIFUL day!!!   Have been removing young thistle, adding bleach to septic system and working Bernie in obedience.  Watched Cesar Milan last night, what I have been doing with Bernie isn't getting results I want.  She has no intention of Heeling.  At least we are exercising and the neighbors see us trying.  LOL  Bernie is part Border Collie and part something with long snot and legs, probably from cow dog type, maybe greyhound, or some other hound.  Hounds are not noted for being easily obedience trained.  Of course, the few photos I have of Bernie are on my phone.
    Yes, I am still working on my album.  Stuck on a page using canvas as back ground.  Will put it up as soon as I finish.  JMW

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mar 14, '15.  This morning, I was invited to ride to Denton (TX) with John where he planned to shop at Harbor Freight.  This was an exciting invitation for Harbor Freight shares a parking lot with Hobby Lobby.  It has been a long, wet, icy, snowy, cold Winter in North Texas; I haven't visited Hobby Lobby, Michael's or Joann's but maybe once each.  Actually, it is more a moratorium on NOT buying more scrap-booking  supplies than the weather that kept me away.  Today, I did a lot of looking and only bought a bottle of glue and two stamps. A success story, for I found several pads of gorgeous paper but I must use up some of this beautiful paper in stash first, I bought no paper.  
    The Kathy Orta Files designed, Retrospective 365 album, that I am filling with Heritage photos of John's KING FAMILY ancestors is progressing nicely.  In fact, closing here so I can add another page to the album.  JMW

Sunday, March 1, 2015

03-01-15   For the last two weeks, I have really been working in my KING Album. I consider it an honor to document my husband's Great-grandparents Jacob and Harriet Fisher KING.  Today, just adding some of the first few pages.  Not totally finished but enough to post:

Sunday, February 15, 2015

History has always been a deep part of me.  No science friction, no space travel, only reading and visiting things of olden days.  I have decided that I love living in the "time" that I do, no wash boards, cooking on wood stove or on coals pulled out from hearth.  No, I love my washing machine, drier, vacuum cleaner, you get the picture.  However, that doesn't mean I can not appreciate the people or modern conveniences of their time.  What I appreciate most, is the people who laid the ground work for those of us now.  For the last several weeks I have been working on King Family Heritage Album.  John's dearly beloved Granny was Dorothy Viola Vivian King who married John Walker Webb.  Granny's "
father" as she called him, was famous in Stone County, AR.  But the person in that family (and really in all the families I have studied) was the "mother."  Both Helen Webb and son John remember stories about Jacob King where Vi called her father "Father," what we do not know is what she called her Mother.  His personally was bigger than life.  Poor Harriet Fisher King was the wife, the help mate, the Mother.  The written account of their migration, after the Civil War,  from North Carolina through the entire length of Tennessee, stopping in the middle of Arkansas tells of her being sick with tuberculosis, is well documented.  I want to use every photo available of the women, this is the way of my honoring them in their contribution to settling the United States.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1/28/2015   529 College Fund.  I do not want to be picked up by the government snoopers, trying to use words that are not keywords.  In today's WSJ an article reports that the President has withdrawn any interest in taxing the 529 fund.  It took only 7 days for parents and lawyers to make him realize that was not a good idea.  The clamor "was such a distraction" the President "surrender(ed)."  That is good news to little Max, the other grandchildren's account would have been grandfathered.
     Yesterday, John and I spent time reading letters by a grandson of Jacob King. This grandson (and his sister) lived with Jacob and Harriet after the death of their mother.  Their father, a minister, could not care for them.  This grandson gives great insight into Jacob and will add great depth to Jacob's section.  John and his Mother, Miss Helen, already reported that Aunt Vi (Jacob's youngest child) always talked about "Father" and never about Mother, a real sign of the times. My recent research points out why women have had to march, cajole, picket and be arrested to advance Women's Rights.   None of the advancement came easy. It took World War II for great steps to be made.  Harriet was the wife of a poor Baptist minister.  He was a great man, where he chose to live and his profession dictated their standard of living, Harriet and many like her, had no voice.
    One last comment:  Jacob and Harriet had four sons: a lawyer/judge:an educator (teacher/principal): minister; and physician.  Is not that wonderful! Daughters went to two year Mountain Home Baptist College.  More will be reported in family album.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

1/25/2015  Making progress collecting photos and data for Jacob and Harriet Fisher King's album.  Kathy Orta included in her core kit, the word Remember.  I can not decide if that will be the name of the album or something else.  The album will hold more than Jacob and Harriet.  The album is so large I will continue with Dorothy Viola Vivian King Webb (daughter of Jacob and Harriet) and then Elmer Columbus Webb (son of D. Viola). This is going to be a great album for Jacob is a very colorful person.  If I was talented, I would write a book using him as the main character.  He fought with the NC 25th Reg, CSA through some of the bloodiest battles of the war; after the war, he moved his family to Arkansas.  He became licensed as a teacher and music teacher, became a Baptist leader, helping to organize several churches.  He was an organizing member of the Free Masons in Stone co.  His four sons became: lawyer, teacher, Baptist minister and physician.  His younger daughters attended two year Mountain Home College.  All of this in a very poor mountainous region of the Ozark Mountains.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

It is dark and rainy in my part of Texas, a very good day, for we always need rain.  In late Dec I started making a true 12 X 12 scrapbooking album designed and tutorial by Kathy Orta.  The album is complete, now 1/22/15, I am organizing materials and papers to use.  The first subject will be Jacob King, John's great-grandfather.  He is a wonderfully fascinating ancestor but choosing material to use is daunting.  Choosing designer papers is even more difficult, I have so much paper and it is so beautiful it is hard to use.  My crafting level is divided between making the album, which I enjoy following tutorial and the construction, but I have little to none creative juices, so using these papers becomes a challenge.  There is constant rearranging of my material, I am trying so hard to use what I have accumulated since 2003.  That taxes my ability and prolongs decisions, however, "perseverance" is my strong point and I aim to present Jacob well and enjoy every piece of paper I cut.  Now, back to my project.

Friday, January 16, 2015

1/16/2015  So far I have not added one bit of information or paper to R 365 album.  I am over come with enormous about of information I have on Jacob King, working slow, gathering photos and decorative paper to do the legend a good job.

The last I heard, this Bible was being donated to Mountain View (AR) Library.  It is the King Family Bible beginning with Jonathan King, born 1800, NC.  Yes, want to take my time and do a good job!                                                                                                        

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 14, '15. One scrapping thing I want to improve is Card Making, so I have signed up for two classes from designers, Kathy Orta of Paper Phenomenon and Kathrine Krieger of Katherine Scraps.  Waiting on the supply deliveries and on-line classes to start in February, something to fill us dark, cold dreary days.  NOT that I need something to do: working on KING FAMILY heritage album and wanting to start through my family history research so I can place research in counties where these ancestors live.  Wish someone in our family interested, but not.  Two sons deeply interested in Sci-Fi !!  Ugh!!    Happy Day!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

  January 10, 2015  
 I very much want to be a more consistent blogger, if only for myself.  I am working on a huge project, building from chipboard, Kraft-Tex, cardstock and designer paper a 12 X 12 scrapbook album. The album was designed by Kathy Orta, Retrospection 365, it will hold hundreds of photos.  For me, it a satisfaction just to construct the album, but adding information about Jacob King and his family will take the project to a higher level.  He was born and raised in North Carolina, served his state in the Confederate States of America, then migrated to Arkansas.  I have gathered, scanned and printed a number of photographs, now organizing the data lies ahead.
       Also running through my mind today is Nancy Wolf, one of  my husband's great-great grandmothers.  She bore twenty-one children, dying after the 21st child at age forty-three. I honor her and all women who came before birth control. It is hard to imagine the number or loveless marriages for women. Thank you to the thousands of women who fought the battles for us.  I will spotlight Harriet Fisher King and her daughter, Dorothy Viola Vivian King Webb in my scrapbook, they in their own right are remarkable.
      So here is the beginning of the album, lets see how long it takes me to finish.