Today, in the mail, came photos I sent via the net, to be printed. These photos are all taken from slides, some going back thirty-five years. I am very pleased with the results. First, I have learned a lot more about PhotoShop Elements 8 and worked on colors and contrast in most of the shots. Secondly, and most important, I have changed developers. You can use Shutterfly from with in PSE 8 which makes developing so much easier. But best of all the developed photos are so much better than those from the developer I have been using.
A word about sending to professional developer, over printing at home. By all means, if you want your photos to last, you will send/take to professionsl developer.
I am working on an album for my husbands up and coming 85th birthday. These photos show his LOVE of all things with wheels and steering wheel. Yesterday, he traded his Liberty Jeep for 2011 Grand Cherokee Jeep. This makes number number 38. In our forty-seven plus years of marriage, we have owned thirty-eight vehicles. Depending on the tax laws, some times he drove his personal car and other years, the business owned cars that they insured. I have no idea how many vehicles he actually drove. Gotta go put the photos in the album.
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