I am still learning. Michelangelo

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sat, 25 Apr 15.  It is easier to spend words than sort and group patterned paper.  While working on the KING FAMILY history and photo album, the papers are spread over the guest bed.  When family visited last week it was stacked and stored.  Yesterday, I started laying it out on the bed.  I am over come with quantity!! For over a year or two, I have imposed a moratorium  on purchasing more paper.  Mostly, I have adhered to this sanction.  This, I believe, will be my last family album; I do not have enough material both data and photos to do other families.  This leaves me with probably, a twelve inch or higher stack of papers falling towards heritage pages and colors.  What to do!!
  Looming on my office book shelves are about four dozen binders of different width full of family history and photos, my research.  They have to be weeded of duplicate copies, and indexed so these binders can be sent to counties where these families lived (Holt, Jackson, Kite to Fayette Co, GA; King, Webb, Brown to Stone Co, AR, etc, etc, etc).  Leaning to work one-half time on heritage album and one-half time on data management has eluded me.  I started the KING album the last few days of Dec 2014, now approaching the end of four months.  Want to finish this album and put away material.
  Looking forward to 2 May, National Scrapbooking Day; will attend fund raising crop for several classes in Collinsville High School.  This will be new experience for me.  Will see several ladies from Remember When and hope to make new friends.
  Have I mentioned Bernice?  Also, since last few days of 2014, Bernice has been addition to our family.  On our list, she is number 5 but on her list she rates as at least number 3.  I try to walk and work her everyday, weather permitting.  Good for her, good for me.  She is a rather rangy thing with border collie coloring. Today, I have decided she is less Border Collie than other breeds.  Because of her deep chest and very long legs, and long snot, I am convinced she has lots of Greyhound.  She is also bark-less which opens doors to many breeds.  The long and short of knowing her heritage is her behavior.  Border Collies have reputation of being smart and obedient.  They are a herding breed and yes Bernie is a herder....Kipper and GiGi.  Not so good a characteristic for inside dog of old folks.  Life with Bernie to be continued.......

Thursday, April 16, 2015

16 April, noon.  Bernie and I are still training!!  Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisper, says, "calm and assertive."  
     I will try and take some photos of the wildflowers.  No need to try most days, too much wind.  To day would be great day to photograph if wind would lay; light gray sky prevents shadows.   No Blue bonnets in the neighborhood but plenty of pretty wildflowers (I have no clue of names).
     We had very short, 3 days, visit with Spencer and Scott.  High light of trip for them was attending Medal of Honor parade.  Gainesville is host city to Medal of Honor recipients.  All living Medal of Honor recipients are invited each year to attend weekend honoring them, the festivities end with huge parade.  So glad Scott and Spencer here to see.  Not many people get to see so many brave men together.  John and I are very proud that we were in Army and did what was called for service.  John served in Trieste, (now a part of Italy) during 1953-54. It was a wonderful year for him.  He regrets everyday that he was not sent to Korea.  He served several years in Reserves but pressure of growing a business in Houston; he resigned a Lt Col.
    I did a dietetic internship in Brooke General Hospital, San Antonio, TX, then remained on staff afterwards.  A great experience with some really nice people. You know the story, married John and got out.  1st Lt Judy M Webb.


Saturday, April 4, 2015

4 Apr '15, 59 degrees, light wind, noon, BEAUTIFUL day!!!   Have been removing young thistle, adding bleach to septic system and working Bernie in obedience.  Watched Cesar Milan last night, what I have been doing with Bernie isn't getting results I want.  She has no intention of Heeling.  At least we are exercising and the neighbors see us trying.  LOL  Bernie is part Border Collie and part something with long snot and legs, probably from cow dog type, maybe greyhound, or some other hound.  Hounds are not noted for being easily obedience trained.  Of course, the few photos I have of Bernie are on my phone.
    Yes, I am still working on my album.  Stuck on a page using canvas as back ground.  Will put it up as soon as I finish.  JMW