I recently bought two 10 drawer organizers on wheels....at Sam's, at a great price. So, instead of sprapbooking, I have been organizing. Today, I went through several years of greeting cards, dividing them by person(s) that gave them to my husband and I. I am giving them back so they they can use them again. Of course, I am keeping the unusual ones. None are handmade which made it easy to give back. Just think how much money it will save. I will buy one large size envelope for one size fits all. We have a circle of friends that have exchanged cards for over 20 years. So, today, I relieved lots of memories. The oldest couple in the group are 96+ and 93+. The youngest couple are 65 and 66. They are a fun loving group and will have a big laugh when I come bearing all these old cards.
About making cards. I made about 1/2 dozen non-descript cards this week. I tired to keep them easy for no one in the group is crafty and after sitting out for a while, will go in the trash. I just have not spend the time to make beautiful and expensive cards that end in the trash. Remember, it is the thought that counts. They do not care how pretty it is, they only care we remember them. So, if you want to give me a beautiful card, I will treasure and keep it. But for others, I will zip out a card and tell them how much we love them.